Digital Ocean Deployment

Table of Contents


The problem

Since University of Hawaii at Manoa’s campus has a variety of food vendors, it can be difficult for students and staff to keep up with what’s available. Many of the locations on campus have different choices, depending what they decide to offer on any given day. There is no easy and concise way to track all of these options and their daily menus: Paradise Palms, campus center, food trucks, etc.

The solution

The Campus Cravings app aims to solve this problem by providing an up-to-date resource on everything food related at UH Manoa. Our completed product will allow vendors to create online menus detailing when and where certain dishes will be avaliable. Students will be able to view the food avaliable in the moment as well as browse the top picks of the day.

User Guide

Landing page

The landing page is presented to users when they first visit the site. This page is meant to capture the user’s attention. The banner consists of a large Campus Cravings logo with a picture of delicious poke bowls as the background. Below the banner are three cards that informs a user possible things they can do on the site.

The next step is to use the Login menu to either Login to an existing account or register a new account.

Go to landing page.

Login page

Clicking on the Login link, then on the Sign In menu item displays this page.

Go to login page.

Register page

Alternatively, clicking on the Login link, then on the Sign Up menu item displays this page.

Go to register page.

User Home page

Similar to the landing page but the description and messages are geared more towards encouraging the user to tour other parts of the site, such as a link to edit their profile, view the menu, and view different restaurants.

Go to user home page

Vendor Home page

Allows different restaurants, cafes, eateries, food trucks and bars around the campus to specify their choices of the day or modify their profile. In progress.

Go to vendor home page.

Admin Home page

Management tools for the owner to administer the website.

Go to admin home page.

Add Restaurants page

Add a vendor for another food establishment.

Go to add restaurants page.

User Profile page

This page is where user profiles are created. Users can add or remove preferences on the food they like to eat (ie. vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, nut-free, hawaiian, etc.).

Go to user profile page.

All Restaurants page

Displays a list of all restaurants or vendors on campus.

Go to list restaurants page.

Presents foods that different establishments on campus are currently serving. Search bar allows users to search for specific establishments to view their menus.

Go to menu page.

Sometimes users might want to try something new but they’re unsure about what they want. This page makes it easy by showing featured dishes curated by restaurants.

Go to today’s top picks page.

For vendors looking to propmote a certain dish.

Go to add a featured dish page.

Favorites and Smart Menu page

This page will show all of the current user’s favorited menu items. It also contains Campus Craving’s Smart Menu. This tool takes the user’s prefrences into account and recommends them restaurants that serve the foods that match these prefrences.

Go to favorites page.

Whats Open page

This page displays the cards of restaurants that are currently open based on Hawaii standard time.

Go to whats open page.

Admin page

As an admin, you can access data like the the favorite dishes amound Campus Craving users. In the intrest of user privacy there names are not attached to this data.

Go to the Admin only page.

Community Feedback

Out of the five community members we had review our deployed page, most of them thought the site was significantly complete and had some ‘cool’ features. We also received constructive criticism that was mostly suggestions on how the website could be improved. An idea was to make it so that vendors could add menus to their new restaurants. While having people review the site, we also found out that there was no feature to remove restaurants as a vendor, so future work would include adding this option. Another improvement that was suggested was to add more navigation links on certain pages. For example, the restaurants page could contain a button/link that takes the user to the menu for the specific restaurant, instead of having to go the navbar and click menus.

Developer Guide

First, install Meteor.

Second, go to, and download the repo to your local file system (GitHub Desktop).

Third, cd into the app/ directory of your local copy of the repo, and install third party libraries with:

$ meteor npm install

Once the libraries are installed, you can run the application by invoking the “start” script in the package.json file:

$ meteor npm run start

The first time you run the app, it will create some default users and data. Here is a sample output: (Note that the output will actually be much longer and include all the data from private/data.json)

meteor npm run start

> meteor-application-template-react@ start C:\Users\johndoe\Documents\GitHub\campus-cravings\app
> meteor --no-release-check --exclude-archs web.browser.legacy,web.cordova --settings ../config/settings.development.json

[[[[[ C:\Users\johndoe\Documents\GitHub\campus-cravings\app ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
W20201201-20:12:46.335(-10)? (STDERR) Note: you are using a pure-JavaScript implementation of bcrypt.
W20201201-20:12:46.378(-10)? (STDERR) While this implementation will work correctly, it is known to be
W20201201-20:12:46.378(-10)? (STDERR) approximately three times slower than the native implementation.
W20201201-20:12:46.379(-10)? (STDERR) In order to use the native implementation instead, run
W20201201-20:12:46.379(-10)? (STDERR)
W20201201-20:12:46.379(-10)? (STDERR)   meteor npm install --save bcrypt
W20201201-20:12:46.380(-10)? (STDERR)
W20201201-20:12:46.380(-10)? (STDERR) in the root directory of your application.
I20201201-20:12:47.606(-10)? Creating the default user(s)
I20201201-20:12:47.607(-10)?   Creating user
I20201201-20:12:47.799(-10)?   Creating user
I20201201-20:12:47.972(-10)?   Creating user
I20201201-20:12:48.139(-10)?   Creating user
I20201201-20:12:48.315(-10)? Creating default data.
I20201201-20:12:48.315(-10)?   Adding: Basket (
I20201201-20:12:48.335(-10)?   Adding: Bicycle (
I20201201-20:12:48.336(-10)?   Adding: Banana (
I20201201-20:12:48.337(-10)?   Adding: Boogie Board (
I20201201-20:12:48.339(-10)? Creating default restaurants.
I20201201-20:12:48.339(-10)?   Adding: Panda Express
I20201201-20:12:48.359(-10)?   Adding: L&L Hawaiian Barbecue
I20201201-20:12:48.360(-10)? Creating default menu items.
I20201201-20:12:48.361(-10)?   Adding: Orange Chicken
I20201201-20:12:48.383(-10)?   Adding: Beijing Beef
I20201201-20:12:48.384(-10)?   Adding: Broccoli Beef
I20201201-20:12:48.386(-10)?   Adding: Mushroom Chicken
I20201201-20:12:48.387(-10)?   Adding: BBQ Chicken
I20201201-20:12:48.389(-10)?   Adding: Teriyaki Pork
I20201201-20:12:48.390(-10)?   Adding: Shrimp Curry
I20201201-20:12:48.391(-10)? Creating default favorites.
I20201201-20:12:48.391(-10)?   Adding: Orange Chicken
I20201201-20:12:48.410(-10)?   Adding: Beijing Beef
I20201201-20:12:48.411(-10)?   Adding: Mushroom Chicken
I20201201-20:12:48.411(-10)?   Adding: BBQ Chicken
I20201201-20:12:48.412(-10)? Loading data from private/data.json
I20201201-20:12:48.413(-10)?   Adding: Da Spot
I20201201-20:12:48.414(-10)?   Adding: Dunkin’ Donuts
I20201201-20:12:48.415(-10)?   Adding: Holoholo Grill
I20201201-20:12:48.417(-10)?   Adding: Hot Tacos
I20201201-20:12:48.418(-10)?   Adding: Kamitoku Ramen
I20201201-20:12:48.419(-10)?   Adding: The Bean Counter
I20201201-20:12:48.420(-10)?   Adding: Lasoon
I20201201-20:12:48.421(-10)?   Adding: Le Crepe Cafe
I20201201-20:12:48.422(-10)?   Adding: Sistah Truck
I20201201-20:12:48.423(-10)?   Adding: Ono Seafood
I20201201-20:12:48.424(-10)?   Adding: Govinda's
I20201201-20:12:48.426(-10)?   Adding: Salad
I20201201-20:12:48.426(-10)?   Adding: Stir-Fresh
I20201201-20:12:48.427(-10)?   Adding: Jamba Juice
I20201201-20:12:48.429(-10)?   Adding: Da Grill
I20201201-20:12:48.430(-10)?   Adding: Starbucks
I20201201-20:12:48.431(-10)?   Adding: Pizza Hut
I20201201-20:12:48.910(-10)? Monti APM: completed instrumenting the app
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/

You will also get the following message when you run this application:

Note: you are using a pure-JavaScript implementation of bcrypt.
While this implementation will work correctly, it is known to be
approximately three times slower than the native implementation.
In order to use the native implementation instead, run

  meteor npm install --save bcrypt

in the root directory of your application.

On some operating systems (particularly Windows), installing bcrypt is much more difficult than implied by the above message. Bcrypt is only used in Meteor for password checking, so the performance implications are negligible until your site has very high traffic. You can safely ignore this warning without any problems during initial stages of development.

Intermittently, you may see the following error message in the console when the system starts up:

MongoError: not master and slaveOk=false
     at queryCallback (/Users/philipjohnson/.meteor/packages/npm-mongo/.
     at /Users/philipjohnson/.meteor/packages/npm-mongo/.
     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)
     at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:218:9)

While irritating, this message appears to be harmless and possibly related to a race condition between the development instance of Mongo and Meteor. By harmless, I mean that in most cases, the console goes on to display App running at: http://localhost:3000/ and no problems occur during run time.

If all goes well, the template application will appear at http://localhost:3000. You can login using the credentials in settings.development.json, or else register a new account.

You can verify that the code obeys our coding standards by running ESLint over the code in the imports/ directory with:

meteor npm run lint



Our finished M1 can be found here.


Our finished M2 can be found here.


Our finished M3 can be found here.

The Team

Created by Alexander Lum, Rainier Javillo, Riley Sodetani, and Ty Ikenaga.